Words Words Words Punchline
Give em What They Dont Want
fuck a zuck
picture me gone
harrass me sometime
Get Ahold of Me Sometime


In the end it won’t be freedom, democracy, justice-for-all, prosperity or rags-to-riches-success that will define America; if America will symbolize anything, it will be violence. We are a destructive people. Our culture consumes any and all things beautiful or pure then commodifies, perverts and destroys it. We have little regard for living, breathing things (even our own species) and have even less regard for the life sustaining systems like oceans, trees, plants or even our very Earth. We are a violent nation, the most violent nation in all of human history and our children will look back at this claim without dispute. ....read more


No one alive knows what freedom is. Sure, we talk about freedom, praise ourselves for having freedom and even celebrate it. But no one can explain it. No one knows what it is. No one knows what it is because, most likely, no one has ever experienced it fully (or even a good portion of it). We are not free. Not even close. And as years and decades and centuries go by — and as we get farther away from nature and a primal, healthy way of living — we slide farther and farther away from real freedom. ....read more


America is a sick society. We can instantaneously find hundreds of billions to throw at corporations to bail them out when the economy is in the first noticeable sign of trouble but can’t find the fraction of that money when it comes to helping people struggling to get by, the homeless or hungry. Fuck our society. ....read more


Our culture of positivity is a thin facade hiding something much more toxic underneath, like biting into the shiniest apple ever only to get a mouthful of poisonous plastic. Positivity doesn’t change anything. “Love”, “peace”, “we are all in this together”, “unity”, “good vibes”, etc are code words for “please don't rock the boat” and “please don't upset our fucked-up-but-comfortable system of oppressions” (also: “you don't need to be sad or depressed, remember buying stuff always helps”). ....read more


The media, those in power and the wealthy (the elite) want you to despise the protestors, rioters and looters. That’s why I choose to side with the protestors, rioters and looters. They’re a threat to our fucked up establishment. If you’ve noticed this year, the elite keep pushing for things to go back to business-as-usual. So far we’ve had Australian wildfires, a global pandemic and race riots. And what is the elites response: “Keep burning fossil fuels at insane rates”, “let's get back to work so the economy can heal” and “please can you guys just peacefully protest so as to not disturb our way of life too much.” By going back to business as usual, we are racing towards a greater and greater nightmarish future. ....read more


I say burn it to the ground. Burn the cars, the buildings, the streets, the businesses, burn everything. Come over to my house, I have some stuff you can burn too. The thing is: all that stuff is just material shit. It is shit and it will end up in a landfill at some point in the near future anyway. Fuck our consumerist culture. ....read more


Political Compass

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